Holistic Services

Beyond the skin you’re in. Our Holistic approach is meant to tap into a deeper place within.

  • Chakra Balancing Treatment

    $100 - 60 minutes

    Because of daily life stressors, imbalances in the mind and body can happen in a number of ways. They often show up as physical symptoms, which directly correlate to the energy centers, or chakras, of the body. This treatment will help to clear energy and balance your emotional state of mind.

  • Rebalance Experience

    $100 - 60 minutes

    Melding craniosacral therapy/cst and reflexology in one session. Session starts out with cst.

    Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic light touch therapy that focuses on rebooting the nervous system to cultivate greater health and well-being. It gently unwinds the nervous system from patterns of compression, hyper vigilance and inertia to states of ease, resource and flow. The session ends with reflexology of the feet.

    Reflexology is a treatment based on the principle that there are areas and points on the feet, that are connected through the nervous system to corresponding parts of the body. When pressure is applied to these areas and points, it stimulates the movement of energy along the nerve channels and helps to restore homeostasis and balance in the body. The perfect combo to create peace and harmony.

  • Flower Essence Consult

    $150 - 30 minutes

    Elevate your life with the beauty and power of flower essences. Flower essences have been used for healing emotional patterns and cleansing your energy field for optimal health and wellness.Bring with you a list of your physical, emotional or mental priorities. During this 30 min session a practitioner will do a customized flower reading and consultation to determine what flower elixir, anointing oil and aura mist is best for you. All flower essence products will be included with your service.

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